
من أرابيكا، الموسوعة الحرة
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تقسيم إداري

مانيزاليس هي مدينة وبلدية تقع في وسط كولومبيا، وهي عاصمة أقليم كالداس. تعتبر المركز الرئيسي لإنتاج البن الكولومبي، ومحوراً هاماً لمؤسسات التعليم العالي. يبلغ عدد سكان المدينة 438,587 حسب عام 2005.


يظهر الجدول التالي التغييرات المناخية على مدار السنة لمانيزاليس: {{بيانات منطقة مناخية | location = مانيزاليس |width=auto |metric first = Y |single line = y |Jan record high C = 27.0 |Feb record high C = 28.5 |Mar record high C = 27.0 |Apr record high C = 27.4 |May record high C = 32.0 |Jun record high C = 26.0 |Jul record high C = 26.2 |Aug record high C = 28.0 |Sep record high C = 26.4 |Oct record high C = 26.0 |Nov record high C = 27.0 |Dec record high C = 27.4 |year record high C = 32.0 |Jan high C = 21.5 |Feb high C = 22.0 |Mar high C = 21.8 |Apr high C = 21.4 |May high C = 21.3 |Jun high C = 21.3 |Jul high C = 21.5 |Aug high C = 21.7 |Sep high C = 21.2 |Oct high C = 20.6 |Nov high C = 20.6 |Dec high C = 21.1 |year high C = 21.3 |Jan mean C = 16.9 |Feb mean C = 17.2 |Mar mean C = 17.2 |Apr mean C = 17.2 |May mean C = 17.2 |Jun mean C = 17.1 |Jul mean C = 17.2 |Aug mean C = 17.2 |Sep mean C = 16.9 |Oct mean C = 16.6 |Nov mean C = 16.6 |Dec mean C = 16.8 |year mean C = 17.0 |Jan low C = 11.8 |Feb low C = 12.1 |Mar low C = 12.5 |Apr low C = 12.8 |May low C = 12.8 |Jun low C = 12.8 |Jul low C = 12.5 |Aug low C = 12.6 |Sep low C = 12.5 |Oct low C = 12.4 |Nov low C = 12.3 |Dec low C = 12.2 |year low C = 12.4 |Jan record low C = 6.0 |Feb record low C = 7.0 |Mar record low C = 8.2 |Apr record low C = 6.3 |May record low C = 8.2 |Jun record low C = 8.6 |Jul record low C = 7.4 |Aug record low C = 7.0 |Sep record low C = 8.6 |Oct record low C = 1.3 |Nov record low C = 7.0 |Dec record low C = 7.6 |year record low C = 1.3 |precipitation colour = green |Jan precipitation mm = 103.5 |Feb precipitation mm = 94.0 |Mar precipitation mm = 133.9 |Apr precipitation mm = 176.2 |May precipitation mm = 161.9 |Jun precipitation mm = 108.9 |Jul precipitation mm = 74.2 |Aug precipitation mm = 74.2 |Sep precipitation mm = 139.8 |Oct precipitation mm = 209.0 |Nov precipitation mm = 176.5 |Dec precipitation mm = 131.5 |year precipitation mm = 1583.7 |unit precipitation days = |Jan precipitation days = 14 |Feb precipitation days = 15 |Mar precipitation days = 20 |Apr precipitation days = 23 |May precipitation days = 24 |Jun precipitation days = 20 |Jul precipitation days = 18 |Aug precipitation days = 17 |Sep precipitation days = 21 |Oct precipitation days = 24 |Nov precipitation days = 21 |Dec precipitation days = 17 |year precipitation days = 229 |Jan humidity = 83 |Feb humidity = 81 |Mar humidity = 83 |Apr humidity = 84 |May humidity = 84 |Jun humidity = 84 |Jul humidity = 81 |Aug humidity = 81 |Sep humidity = 84 |Oct humidity = 86 |Nov humidity = 86 |Dec humidity = 84 |year humidity = 83 |Jan sun = 167.4 |Feb sun = 138.4 |Mar sun = 124.0 |Apr sun = 102.0 |May sun = 108.5 |Jun sun = 120.0 |Jul sun = 148.8 |Aug sun = 139.5 |Sep sun = 114.0 |Oct sun = 105.4 |Nov sun = 117.0 |Dec sun = 142.6 |year sun = |Jand sun = 5.4 |Febd sun = 4.9 |Mard sun = 4.0 |Aprd sun = 3.4 |Mayd sun = 3.5 |Jund sun = 4.0 |Juld sun = 4.8 |Augd sun = 4.5 |Sepd sun = 3.8 |Octd sun = 3.4 |Novd sun = 3.9 |Decd sun = 4.6 |yeard sun = 4.2 |source 1 = Instituto de Hidrologia Meteorologia y Estudios Ambientales[1][2][3]

مدن شقيقة



  1. ^ "Promedios Climatológicos 1981–2010" (بالإسبانية). Instituto de Hidrologia Meteorologia y Estudios Ambientales. Archived from the original on 2016-08-15. Retrieved 2016-08-15.
  2. ^ "Promedios Climatológicos 1971–2000" (بالإسبانية). Instituto de Hidrologia Meteorologia y Estudios Ambientales. Archived from the original on 2016-08-15. Retrieved 2016-08-15.
  3. ^ "Tiempo y Clima" (بالإسبانية). Instituto de Hidrologia Meteorologia y Estudios Ambientales. Archived from the original on 2016-08-15. Retrieved 2016-08-15.